
2010, NUH YEAH - Press the RESET

let's pray for happiness in this new year
let's start the whole new world
let's make a new journey
let's be a better person
let's create another happy-go-lucky 365 days
let's make lists of "my resolution in 2010"
=.=' budak-budak

let's keep all the memories in 2009 and keep it in the box
to those people who waited for me to be on lining as usual
whole this week will be the busiest week :)
HAHA, just leave your comment in YM or in Phone
*haha, mcm artist pulak*

I'll be missed the year of 2009 as a third former
i wish i am PETER PAN
HAHA, ridiculous ~

PS:// do enjoy every minutes of this new year

I prefer music over silence when studying

as I walk, I can see people wearing headphone listening to the MP3s
*of course at hostel*
what can I say, music has become a part of life

I do some research about this
and the results are:

BUT, when it comes to study with music, the best way is to listen to music with no words, like classical, or even music that is familiar so that there is no longer thought involved. *Good news to the KOREANHOLIC, kan kan*. Studying this way with music keeps the focus on studying and not on the words or the beats of the music. It will turn becomes the background of studying and no longer in competition.

it's proven now that studying with music isn't a wrong habit.
but i do know how to use it
if we are studying some facts like History, PAI and BIO (NO MUSIC)
but when it comes to exercise or MATHS (YESSSSSSS)


coming soon

nak dengar cerita dulu-dulu tak?

hanani, wahidah, amiratul, aishah


farah, aainaa, nadhirah



Eldaterra, after we received the most happiest news until we shed our tears
now, we received the most shocking news EVER, and we shed our tears
it is not a LIFE when there is no OBSTACLES :'(
but can we go through the OBSTACLES given strongly?
insyaALLAH, we can.

(picture:credit to syaza)
Allahyarhamah Siti Hajar Muhad Salleh
29th December 2009
3.00 AM

it is unbelievable that she's gone, forever
we acknowledged that He works in mysterious ways.

Hajar, a cheerful friend that I ever known in SSP
a brilliant and a bright person too,
and now, I've lost my birthday-mate forever :'|
You will be always situated in our minds
and you are always be part of my stories that I'll keep forever
you are always one of us, ELDATERRA.
Thanks for the great memories :'(

Eldaterra and SSPians, let's pray for her:
"Ya Allah, Kau tempatkan lah rakanku Siti Hajar Mohd Salleh
dalam kalangan orang-orang yang beriman. Amin~"
may your soul rest in peace.


deskmate of the year

gmbar ni pelik? Haha, orang dlm gmbar tu lagi pelik, HAHA
nama: siti mariani marzuki
siblings: 13 brothers
nickname: nenek

yea, 2009 kini makin smapai di akhir, mestilah kene ada award kannn :)
nah ambik kau, award DAESANG lagi .
percaya lah cakap aku, identiti dia ni mmg RAHSIA BESAR
and kata-kata dia mmg angan-angan belaka.
dia penah buat statement yang dia anak raja ssbuah negeri dari langit
aku kata mesti raja gopal, pastu dia akan ketawa xcukup nafas dia tu

penah juga dia cakap dia ada 13 orang abang, tapi aku xtau mula2
rupa-rupanya 13 tu Super Junior =.='
lepas tu kata dia ni anak tunggal lahhh.
&& cita2 dia nak jadi model, HAHA
dan pernah mmuji diri sndiri bhwa muka seiras Amber Chia =.=

bila berdeskmate mmg susah, cikgu slalu tertukar, aku mariani
yang mariani pulak maria, cikgu aszlina slalu igt kite orang ni nakal
sbb kteorang ske buat muka pelikkkk
nickname nenek kan, ada smpai satu ketika dia suruh stop pnggil dia nenek
reason dia: aku dh betul2 cepat lupa macam nenek
HAHA, jgn harap itu akan terjadi NENEK!

mse cuti pertengahan tahun aku mintak nombor nenek,
mse cuti bila call, tau spe angkat?
india mne ntah, SAH DITIPU =.='
anddddddddd baru2 haritu aku tnye lah IC dia, yg pertengahan dia tu pelik
aku tnye lah lahir kat mne, nenek jawab
"aku lahir kat Perak tapi ddk KL, so aku orang KL"
tnpa mmbuang masa, aku buat announcement kat kelas yang nenek orang Perak.
mne aku tahu, rupa-rupanya dia marah, Haha, sbb aku ckp dia
Perak-man dalam buku sejarah tu, Haha

masa hampir PMR, tiba-tiba dia nangis kat aku, cerita yang beliau risau kan ssuatu,
nak tahuuuu apa?
-masa UPSR dulu aku doa supaya biarlah aku 5A UPSR, kalau xdpt 8A PMR pun xpe-
kelakar kan, tapi alhamdulillah kau dpt gak 8A :)

cuba tgk, brpa kali fakta yg tidak dpt ditafsir?
ntah2 birthday tu pun salah, Haha.
THE END, thank you

deskmate 2009
*woah, nmpak xcypa kat blkng?*
nenek cool down weh, aku edit ni susah tau, appreciate sikit.

how i met arina and syakira

*tiada gambar kelas*

yea yea, aku dipaksa dgn kerelaan untuk mmbuat post utk mereka berduaa :'(
kalau xbuat nnti, berdas-das percikan air-liur terpercik di muka.

maria ghazali [pkt 3R]
yeah, format masih serupa spt 'How i met Illya & atiqah'
hahah, the story begins..

syakira shamsuddin [kt 3R]
stiap kali jmpa syakira, msti nk bayangkan dia pakai costume Barney The Purple Dinosaur
xrase ke dia sesuai? Haha, tapi gmbar diatas, mmg serupa sejibik & xdinafikan lagi
Mcm Ugly Betty, Haha
orang kuat kelas 3RRRRR
HAHA, cypa & aku slalu cakap blkng kau, HAHA, kau slalu bising kat blakang waktu orang study
dhlah ada aura (meh lah bercakap ngn aku),
xpaham? dia ada aura menarik orngsoh tinggalkn kerja pastu borak ngn dia
last2 kerja terbengkalai :) HAHAHAHAHAHAH
last2 aku buat conclusion sndiri,
"Cypa, Syakira guna taktik kotor"
dia siap kan kerja dia cepat2, dh siap studyyyyyy, pastu ajak orang sembang,
HAHAHHAHAHAHHA, betulkannnnnnn?

arina sabri [kt 3T]
bila tgk dia je, msti aku gmbarkan dia ni Panda, kan kannn?
tapi xbermaksud comel, langggggggggggsssunnnggggg TIDAK :D
penggemar drama, masa 2008, aku pening ngn dia
suka sgt buat drama tnpa director dgn patty dpan aku
HAHA, stiap kali buat drama, reaction aku sma je. *hanya kau tahu*
HAHA, aku xpenah ckp dia TEMBAM, tapi aku slalu ckp, AKU XCAKAP APA2
tapi yang pasti itu mnggmbarkan apa yg dia fikir, HOHO
haih, berat hati nk tulis pasal arina, dh 2post pasal kau, TAU?
dah lah slalu berebut cikgu ridzuan ngn aku, HAHA

sapa2 ingt? nk reveal ni :D
pelajar pelajar tingkatan 3 digemparkan dgn ura2
masa prep tu nnti ada SPOT-CHECK
& so, maria, nasha, wanie, fazu, anis afina, nathrah
yea, kami berenam masuk kat bilik air F2,
untuk $#$^&%&^(*)_(&^%$@@!$*&^_) *tahu apa?
yea, mse nak sorok kn tu, tgh kat important scene tu
ada junior masukkkk, cesttt, kantoiiii,
nathrah tutup pintu tu dgn ganas nye smpai akhirnya before nak keluar
baru perasan "PINTU xBOLEH BUKA!"
anis dh start nanges, nath kata dia xleh bernafas, nasha dh siap pegang batu kat toilet, wanie sibuk cari udara
haha, smbil redha tu, kteorang dok berangan masuk paper lah, bomba dtg lahhh
padahal yg dtg, pakcik camar anggerik & prince charming ssp,
HAHA, respon cikgu bila tau ada pelajar sendiri terperangkap dalam toilet
"awak pecahkan lah pintu tu"

ahhhah, last2 bila tombol dh dipecahkan, kteorang berenam keluar smbil menangis2
mcm baru lepas kene culik,
smua peluk syakira, Haha,
papepon, after tu, tmpat tu dh xjadi tmpat bersmbunyi lagi dh, HAHA.

btw, maafkan aku weh, yang red-note alaala Boys Over Flower tu kami yang buat :)
nak tau spe? aku, nani, cypa & nenek
aku - junpyo
nani - wobin
cypa - kibum
nenek - jihoo
haha, kan kteorang suka berimaginasi melampauu, Haha
cis, xtau pulak kau orang boleh detect :D
btw, tu plan utk Birthday Batch, mula-mula nk bagi satu batch
tapi kau orang dh ruined kan =.="

how i met illya and atiqah

i went there when i was in standard 4

and i still remembered how i met these peoples .

maria ghazali [librarian]
the story begins...

atiqah saupi [prefects]
HOI, mse 2004 aku igt lagi aku bising dalam kelas, pastu atiqah catat nama aku bagi kat cikgu Amran
pastu cikgu Amran pulas telinga spe yg bising
aku pun kene jgk :'(
hahaaaaa, time tu first2 kenal atiqah, hahahahhahahaaaaaaa
bila 2006 kiteorang deskmate :D
dh lah pandai, setiap kali dpt result je msti aku nak ddk jauh2 ngn dia, hahahaha

illya zulkefli [prefect]
dia ni dengar je apa aku nk crita kat dia
petang2 pegi rumah illya, main ngn kucing GEMOK diaaaaa
comel sangattttttttttttttttttttttttt
klu ada apa2 projek kelas, rumah illya lah tmpat kteorang brkumpul, kankan!
masa darjah enam, jam dia menarik woah!

mse tahun UPSR dulu, waktu peperiksaan gerak gempur
sapa yg dpt result teruk kene turun kelas,
ah, mse tu jugak lah aku dpt 3A 2B, Cikgu Nora, soh spe dpt 3A 2B pegi ikut dia
aku xnak mula2, dh nk nanges dh, ada ke patut illya & atiqah soh snyap je
tapi xboleh, kene jgk, mula2 kene turun dari 6A- 6C
xke jauh tu, TAK MAHUUUUU!

lama kot aku nanges dpn Cikgu Nora, lepas tu cikgu
kata: xpe Maria masuk balik kelas 6A tapi kene tukar tmpat duduk
reason? Cikgu Nora kata, pagi-petang-siang-malam berkepit
kat skolah bertiga, tuiotion pon bertiga
mne nak concentrate, last-last kene ddk sblah Headboy - Hatta =.="

pape pon, aku rindu babeng nak main basikal petang2 ngn korang!
hahahah, xpe nnti masuk Universiti sama pulak kat UK. Haha


Alhamdulillah I got 8As

ahhaha, alhamdulillah,
stelah slama bbrapa jam degupan jantung lajunya tidak terkira
kadar yg sungguh xnormal
masih lagi igt detik2 sblum hari ini tiba, hahahaaaaaa
oh, slepas ini saya maria syafiqah akan mnyebut perkataan bahasa melayu dgn lancar
smalam, tanpa makan apa2, terus tidur, sebegitu awal pada 10malam
apa nk kata, gelisah sangatttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
stiap kali nk makan, rasa mual
percaya atau tidak, bila tidur je selang 10 minit, mesti terjaga
akhirnya terbangun pada pukul 2, bukak comp skjap
tgk farah waheeda arshad online
smua mnggmbarkan kecuakn masing2

BUZZ pada fawa*
maria: fawa kalau papepon berlaku kite still kawan eh
fawa: kau bengong ah kau, mestilah
hnya itulah yg aku pikir mse tu
hahaa, ntah pape kan kan

&& aku mngmbil keputusan utk tidak hadir ke skolah utk mngambil kputusan dek
prasaan bagai bomb yg bila2 je boleh pecah,
dari pukul 10.58 pagi asyik mendail nombor skolah,
tunggu lah dgn ketidak-sabaran

mngmbil kputusan untuk mmbuat panggilan untuk assyfa
nasib baik dia cerdik dengn mnanyakan
"kau nk aku bagi phone ni kat cikgu x?"
dengan teragak-agak, aku stuju je

cikgu: hah, maria kenapa xdatang?
maria: alah cikgu, ayah kerja, ibu xdpt drive
cikgu: awak dh mimpi brapa kali dpt 7A?
maria: erk cikgu (cuak)
cikgu: tahniah awak dpt 8A
maria: wah cikgu terima kasihhhhhhh

tanpa mnunggu jam bersetik ke nombor sterusnya, berlari2 dpt kan ibu smbil mnjerit2
gaggaga, tapi meriah juga dengarnya diskolah
cypa kate cikgu2 mlompat mngalah kan anak murid, hahaa
alhamdulillah, itu sajalah yg dpt diungkapkan :)
terimakasih cikgu kerana tidak jemu2 mngajar kami, mmberi ilmu
terimakasih ibu & ayah kerana mmbimbing kami
terimakasih kawan kawan kerana xhabis mnjerit terpekik terlolong mngajar apa yg xpaham
usaha kami berbaloi juga

"ya Allah ya Tuhanku, kami bersyukur akan nikmat yang Engkau kurniakan, kami memohon agar Engkau jauhkan lah kami sejau-jauhnya daripada sikap riak dan takbur sebaliknya jadikanlah kami hamba yang sentiasa terus berusaha tanpa kenal erti putus asa.Amin"

Eldaterra, we've made it!


jantung berdegup pecah

yea, esok adalah hari yang dinanti-nantikan
dalam masa kurang 24 jam, mnyeksakan
makan tidak lalu,
tidak boleh di terangkan kondisinya skarang
kalian lihatlah di buletin di myspace, tajuk yg xlain xbukan mestilah:
cukup-cukup mmbuatkan perut senak, tangan kiri kanan mmbeku sejuk, kepala digaru xgatal
oh xlupa pulak distatus masing-masing mnggmbarkan kecuakan mereka:
eh, ni xde kene mngena, *maaf
ah, jika makin dilihat, makin mmbuat darah gemuruh mngelegak
kata-kata makin tidak dpat dittutur

xkurang juga, menerima comment-comment yang mmberangsangkan juga mncuakkan:
ayuri: "kk maria, gudluck tmrw;) hope you get straight a's"
amir: "weh2 goodluck yeh! aku tau kau sure score"
k.diddy: "goodluck esok, i'll pray for you & your batch"
terima kasih diucapkan, kerana mmberi smangat begitu

rakan rakan lain juga cepat mnghilangkan diri bila di IM
dengan alasan:
-weh, aku nak out, tenangkan diri
-aku nak muntah
-aku takut
-weh, esok baju kurung kan?

haha, yea, marilah sama sama kita berdoa OK?
usaha dah, skrang hanya redha je :D
100% 8A insyaALLAH, AMIN--


0320 AM

I became more hungrier and starving
and yet, I had to go to the kitchen and turned on the electronic cooker to boil some water
I took out one maggi cup (curry)
YES, first step = completed
while waiting for the boiling water, I ripped off the plastic, *here we go

no one seemed to be online in Myspace right now, where did you go huh?
and in my YM list, there was NO ONE appeared as available
am I the only creature that alive in this moment? tsk
today, passed as usual :)

oh, highlights for tomorrow:
watch - reversal of fate at 3.30pm
- let's go! Dream Team season 2 at 6.15pm
- also not to forget, Boys Over Flower at 8.30pm

last words?
I would like to say "SME suck"
everyone knows that I think, hahaaa, for people who didn't understand
ah, forget about it, tha--


ok guys, let's take a very deep breath together now
it has became more complicated
I hope it is just a rumor
He definitely can't leave his group by terminated his contract with SM Entertainment
I'm sure that Elves are so worried about this issues, absolutely YES
let's pray for the good things to happen

I didn't sleep until 10.00 AM this morning
I keep on with my searching about this issues
duh, I can't just go to my bed and sleep soundly while I didn't know the real situation
ok, STOP here, just wait and see


the UPs and DOWNs

the day that we've waited for so long *yea I think so
and it will really coming very soon
hell no! today is already 21st December
how can I describe my real feeling now
I've dreamt THINGS that I supposedly SHOULDN'T - for all PMR candidates
and that really freaking me out!
but at this moment, what can I do is just praying to God and just accept whatever the result
and the most important thing is think positive
yeah, that is what we supposed to do from the beginning
it is really-really undescribable

and today, all Super Junior's fans had been shocked by Hankyung's termination of his contract with SM entertainment
i am really sure that all ELF are now praying for the good things
haha, so do I
oh, by the way, I've visited Heechul's and Kyuhyun's Cyworld
in theirs Cyworld, they ARE really expressing their feeling towards the shocking news
just by viewing the fans' comment, really touched T_T



hoi, creature named assyfa ariffin
sweet 15 ~
stay healthy and take care



RELEASED, 7th December 2009

first of all, forgive me if your picture aren't here
spe soh private kn picture, hahaaaa
and last but not least, enjoy ;)



i am currently watching this movie
i've watched this late at night
ah, takut kot (shinigami, the death god)
& i love L's character :D
he's cool in the movie but when i searched his picture.. --__--* disappointed



she broke her promise!

nah, ambk kau
NAME : noor arina inani bt sabri
AGE: 15 years old
HER WRONG DOING : *i'll tell you later

yesterday, i was stayed-up late at night again
and this time my partner didn't make herself available in YM and so
the cloud outside was getting darker
the worst part was when syakira did something that made me having a goosebumps
she sent me a link that when we clicked on it, THE GHOST APPEARED AND SCREAMED LOUDLY! bodo, aku mnjerit mcm nk mmpus kat dpn comp :l

oh, arina! so, the story started when i saw only arina inani and aainaa mokhti online on YM
and so, i told them to tell me if they were about to offline
and yeah, those people agreed and wrote *sweet messages*
like: " ah, ye ye aku janji, aku kan baik", "oh, ok aku kan blablabla and bla"
etc etc etc
and guess what?? NOOR ARINA INANI didn't tell me that she wanted to go to sleep
and i was like "nak kene bdk ni", and i did sent those bashing comments to her :D
hahaaaa, serve you right!
spe soh mungkir janji