Okay menjelang Tahun Baru Cina,of course we want our life to be full with prosperity. So do KP maaaaaa, we need money for our NEXT TRIP. Er, actually i was planning to run away with all the money IF I managed to win this contest, but naaahh, when i think back, i should credit this pictures to the owners, two of the KP of course: Fazu and Arina. Hah, I promise by the moon and the sky to share the money, IF i make it.
So term and conditions are here from the site:
"Para pemenang dikira mengikut jumlah kutipan tertinggi ( paling banyak )
orang yang klik LIKE/SUKA di gambar anda itu pada 20/02/2012. Ya,
tempoh pertandingan ini hanyalah hampir 2 bulan. Bermula 25/12/2011
dan akan berakhir pada 25/02/2012
and and
Johan - RM150 + Buku Kerjaya
Naib Johan - RM100 + Buku Kerjaya
Ketiga -RM50 + Buku Kerjaya
Tempat ke 4- 10 = Hadiah Menarik menanti"
So readers wanna help me ? Nah jgn lah malu malu kucing, HAHA
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=267785759947964&set=a.267244976668709.63461.124323347627540&type=3Thank you for the support, if i win i'll make something special for you my readerssss ! Muah mucha gracias!