alhamdulillah, i've turned 16 safely for the year of 2010
i received many wishes, kisses, cards, cakes, cupcakes and teddy bearssss
i admit that the celebration on this year was a big different from past years
being a person wih many responsibilitis really teach me to be more matured :) HAHA
i received many wishes, kisses, cards, cakes, cupcakes and teddy bearssss
i admit that the celebration on this year was a big different from past years
being a person wih many responsibilitis really teach me to be more matured :) HAHA
(aishah, hanani, wafi, fawa, arina, syakira, aainaa, tara, sarah, mone, nadhirah, izzah, anis, lya, dayout, wanie, fatimah nadiah)
aishah, hanani and wahidah really make me touched that night by giving me cupcakes with writing on it
thanks a lot peeps!
nadhirah gave me a necklace with the 'M' sign
thankssssssssssss :)
FAWA gave me her braces's kisses, HAHA
fatimah nadiah said "k.maria (-__-") Happy birthday, appreciate sikit sbb aku escape meeting smata-mata kau"
aww, isn't all this SWEET? Thanks again PEEPS! you are the champion of my hearts
and not to forget the F2 members of Lily 1
and not to forget the F2 members of Lily 1
they threw me a surprise party by giving me a chocalate cake with writing on it
HAHA, and received a lot of colourful notes and cardsssss :)
thanks guys *the good side of being junior's dormleader*
i shared the greatest moment with all my friends and also
Nathrah, on my birthday
in this 2010, i received a lots of love from family and friends *grateful*
and also the next day, 9th February was Sarah Aqilah's
HAHA, and received a lot of colourful notes and cardsssss :)
thanks guys *the good side of being junior's dormleader*
i shared the greatest moment with all my friends and also
Nathrah, on my birthday
in this 2010, i received a lots of love from family and friends *grateful*
and also the next day, 9th February was Sarah Aqilah's

and today, the 10th of February
4Intelek received a big chocolate cakes with writing on it
4 Intelek Girls - February
Cikgu Ridzuan
gahaha, isn't that the special gift ever?
HAHA, thanks cikgu :)
oh, not to forget, i did some wishes on that night before i went to sleep :)
on my birthday, i prayed to Allah:
make my family, teachers and friends to be healthy for this 2010,
and i hope that my academic will be much better:)
and also, i wish that someday, i will be a respected person
the name of "maria syafiqah" will someday to be well-known.
ps://2days to go for Chinesse New Yeah!
maria syafiqah
10th of February
*pictures? coming soon :)*
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