the daily routine are really will be going as usual by tomorrow --__--"
waking up at really 10 minutes before bell
and having a sweaty morning before reaching to the BB court
and now, i think i'm used to it
this 2 weeks holiday i did spend a lots of time in front of computer
and did go out with mom
while thinking on coming back to school *mcm comeback stage je*
i am eager to see;
- izzah, pipot, mijam : since they are the only one can lend their ear for my korean thingy
- fawa: her red new braces *ching*
- sarah & farhana: pick a fight with those bdk hingusan
- naddy: nk show off homework yg dh siap
- mariani & cypa: nk tnjuk skill baru (imitating)
- aishah, nani & wafi: HAHA, nk tgk prkmbngn kebesaran lemakkk lemakkk
- keon, arina, syakira: "selamat datang ke KLIA, DING DANG DONG!"
haha to ardilla thanks for promoting the websites HAHA
mind to visit me?
and yes today is the Super Show second tour at Malaysia
ah, i really envy to those who can attend the concert -,-"
if i was one of them, Super Junior will be in my dream for this 365 days ++
omooo ommmooo

just hope that dream will come true someday!
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