Date: 27.08.2010
Venue: Sunwayyyy Pyramid
Balqis Azmi, Najihah Aqila, Sarah Aqilah, Mahani Mahdzir, Nadhirah Azizan and I
we went to Sunway Pyramid today
yeah, we made a deal, "be there by 2.30"
but ended by "sorry, jam! maybe pukul 4.30"
By the way, i managed to be there earlier than the others
Thank God, my dad was there to accompany me :)
at first i wanted to withdraw my money and I did.
But it turned out by pressing the "akaun semasa"
-.-" that's why i can't withdraw my money
&& thanks to Naddy for her helps by guiding me "how to use the ATM"
haha, silly me
3 of us, while waiting for Balqis, Keon and Mone
we tried to find any restaurant for us for berbuka
and luckily we went to the secret recipe's
reserved for 6 peoples.
*2 hours later*
it was time for berbuka but we were still at Forever 21.
but i can't find any, i don't want shades, i want see-through specs
remember the one that i wore last time?
yeah yeah, guess what, we late 10 minutes for berbuka!
After that, we performed our prayer and continue on our plan
we did buy many thingssss
i bought new cardigan, i was struggling on getting that !
That was the last one hanging at one corner
That was the last one hanging at one corner
Naddy nk brgaduh, berebut pulak tu -.-"
maaflah, my dayyyyy dude !

Thanks again champs! I love you! I had so much fun for today
and kaki melecet -.-" thanks!
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