

ssp is having a great event
what else?
Hari Kecermelangan Sekolah Berasrama Penuh (HKSBP)
fawa, kau pgi kan harini? enjoy je lah OK!
ok ok, HKSBP where all students from all SBP come to SSP
tuan rumah lah katakan.

2 week before the HKSBP
we were having mid term examination ;)
hoho -.-"
can't tell you that i stayed up until 4 am, cool isn't?
right away we took the last paper PJK
that evening on Friday, Form3 student went out to Cyberjaya
done some survey for KGT ;)
hanani, tmad and me took our lunch at Kyros Kebab which we didn't have enough money - RM0.05
to buy coca-cola :D haha

on the next day, Saturday
we had to paint the class, F3 classes which we got blue
reason; spaya F3 x mngibaskn baju wktu ptg, PANAS WOAH!
3 RESTU, under Ms.Rosmaliza stayed until 1 pm to finish the last paint ;)
at that night sspians had to paint the locker -.-" LECEH
&& kene kosong kan LOCKER, nasib baik sblah kan ;)

haha, well well, i hope HKSBP brjln dgn lancar after through the most tiring moment to prepare the preparations ;)
hoho, hope so!

mom's blog

gahahaa, when i was KID


goodbye KAMPUNGG

nmpak x? dihujani manusia!

penat! yesterday we had a BIG SUMO FIGHTING!
bdk2 kecik mmg ssh nk handle =.=' nevermind,
as long tulang blakang x rapuuhh!
so today is SUNDAYYY!

mean: balik rumah tu ok lagi


early in the morning,
8.00 am
after taking our breakfast
we leave the hometown

hoho-sedihh, after staying there for 3 days mean a lot!
like staying away from dust!

o-oh, know why we have to hurry?

  • bju still kat dobi
  • beli barang lagii
  • hntr bobo lagi
banyakkkkk kejee!

my great trip to Kluang

on Friday morning after we perform our Subuh
we took our breakfast at Mamak Stall
and then we sent back bobo and dad
yes, only me and my mom ;)
here some picture when we were at the stall;
burung merpati were everywhere!
see, the burung merpati! gileee jammmedddddddd !

our journey just took 3 hours,
igtkan nak jamak tapi xsmpat ;(

we arrived around2.00pm
pakcik & makcik dh lamaaa smpai!
*on that evening*
back to our previous plan;
so-so, my aunt had bake a cake, love-shaped ;)

we prepared our dinner as usual,

we made fish & chip, french fries, doughnut

the making of our doughnut ;)
*on that night*
while, nabil,qilah,me and caca mengaji with Opah
moksu and the rest prepared the dinner!
here was the dishes for our dinner!
after we had done with mengaji
we all get into the room and prepared
nabil turned off the lights,
mkcik hold the cake
me play the violin: mohabbatein
mom:catching the pics
and the rest, brought theirs presents ;)

cucu-cucu opah ;)
OPAH, we love you!