
Haruki Murakami quote

'If you're in pitch blackness, all you can do is sit tight until your eyes get used to the dark' -Haruki Murakami-
But for me I prefer to close my eyes until I fall asleep, haha, by the way I got this quote from Criminal Minds: Suspect Behaviour.


Voldemot is currently launching her hunger strike ! She doesnt want to eat her 'cheap crackers'. Eventhough I loaded her bowl with lots lots of her food until they spill out of the bowl but still no signs of interest in munching those 'crackers'. She is now much much more interest in eating a jelly-liquid form of food which now making us run out of money to buy her 9 packets Whiskas a week. That jelly-liquid or whatsoever they called, making Voldemot's breathe smell bad. Really bad! I cannot stand with that smell. Totally unhygienic ! How should I coax her to eat that 'cheap crackers' which she once looooooooooooooveeeee to eat that so much. HELPPPPPPPPPP !

"Hunger is sharper than sword" -Francis Beaumont-
PS: Voldemot please eat eh? You are scary when you are hungry and I am afraid of your claws ~ Eventhough I cut it short already but still ..

Showdown 2012 !

Dear Malaysian, have you seen Showdown 2012? This reality show sure tough for the contestants, so for today the judges had decided for Top 12 contestant. So congratulations for those who made it, but I must say this, Im going to root for my favourite crews which are Walawei Crew and Soul Gang. I hope they can reach the highest level and who knows they can make it to be the champion! I respected Walawei Crew, seriously, even though mostly there are under aged and rated as Kids and Newbies among the contestants, they sure have good attitudes and positives self-esteem. I love the way they carry themselves with teamwork amongst the unit. This show really something different like any other reality TV shows. And somehow they taught us to have the confidence and the eagerness to do the best and the attitude to never give up. With the sweats and every moves show their efforts and hard work to be the best. I think this show will make Malaysian to be more positive thinking and to practice having healthy competitions. And I love the judges giving words of spirits and honest thoughts. Go Maple Loo and Joe Flizzow!


Lesson #62 - Loch Lomond

HELLO READERS ! So this is me featuring Loch Lomond with Violin. I started violin lessons when I was in standard 4 and stopped because my teacher moved to New Zealand, and lately I started back my lessons in Cadenza Music Academy in Bangi.

Enjoy this short video !


Adopting a kitten

This tiny little kitten, was brought home by my brother, at that time Domod was very skinny and dirty. Adopting a 5-weeks black and white tuxsedo look-alike fur, turned out to be a bit like bringing a teenager into the house. At first he was way past the cute and cuddly kitten stage, but was still young enough that he needed some mothering. Only he didnt know how to ask for it.

For the first week, Domod was a perfect tom. He showed respect to me and my mom, ate whatever I fed him, and slept on my bed."Welcome home Domod" I spoke too soon. Two weeks after having him around, he went from young boy to totally teenager from HELL. He disturbed me when I was sleeping, scrathing my head as if I was the doormat, ambushed our hand whenever we peacefully lying while watching tv, almost giving us mini heart attack! I dont know where he learnt yoga or gimnastic that made him to be soooo elastic to do some back flips and soooo flexible to reach our food on the dinning table. He made our house as if his track for running with ears flipped backwards giving supersonic feels.

But lately, i think he decided he was too old to sleep with me, but not too old to attack my feet while I was preparing his meals. In short, he was just testing his limits-and mine. If he had been a real teenager, he would dye his hair red. Saying "No" to Domod had the same effect it has on most teenagers -- none. And taking away his toys wouldnt work cause everything was a toy for him 


The announcement that never had been announced before.

Hello readers! UMG, I need to clean up all the dust here, by the way I didnt tell my SPM result officially yet on any social networks, I am going to do so here: actually I managed to get 6As and 3B, the Bs go to Chemistry, Biology and Physics. Good job Maria! Good job!
Out of 176, 111 students from Sekolah Seri Puteri got straight As, and we ranked number 3 from all over SBPs, the top 3 for the SPM highest achievements were conquered by all girls school which are, TKC, STF and SSP. Girls will power cannot be defeated eh? Haha. Congrats anyway.
But whatever the result I got, I did not give up cause I know I did my best. What I am sure about myself, im going to do my best in my college life!

So I decided to further my study in UPM, I will be taking asasi sains dan pertanian, and continue with degree in veterinarian. Wish me luck.